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Transformations in Body and Spirit, From Couch to 5K

Transformations in Body and Spirit, From Couch to 5K

When you start to train for a 5K race, you are likely to feel a huge difference immediately. The first few days after you begin running, you’re likely to feel soreness in the legs and feet. Once these initial changes are absorbed by your body, you will start to feel a far more significant impact – the one on your body and spirit as a whole. Moving from couch to 5K running can represent a transformation in your entire being.

A quick look at the physical benefits of a 5K running program is enough to intrigue most people. You are bound to feel a renewed vigor in your legs as a result of extensive running. As you walk out of your door in the morning or head home at night, you’ll feel a spring in your step you will recognize from your younger days. Running on a regular basis allows you to feel more youthful. Your upper body gets a workout as well, since runners use their arms to power each individual stride.

The subconscious mind knows that when you train your body physically things will just get better in life. Your perception of everyday life improves and people begin to treat you different. The physical improvements transfer over to the mental and everything starts to become easier, things just make sense.

The remaining physical effects can be explained chemically. Your respiratory system and circulatory functions are improved after cardiovascular workouts because you are introducing more oxygen into your lungs. At the same time, you are releasing endorphins that add clearness – some say a fundamental happiness – to your brain.

Considering the extraordinary effects of turning from couch to 5K, it is easy to see how a running program can impact your overall spirit. Feeling a bounce in your step and clearer lungs will give you a boost every morning as you rise out of bed. Increased energy makes you feel stronger and able to confront whatever challenges you face on a physical level. This new-found strength will make you feel confidence in everything you do. You’ll find yourself willing to delve deeper into problems at work, less prone to losing steam late in the day and more clearheaded overall.

It is not a stretch to consider training for a 5K program as the way to completely transform your body and spirit. If you find yourself feeling sluggish and unable to complete your daily activities, it’s time to get off the couch and start running.