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Lawn Mowing and Maintenance Tips for Your Lawn

Lawn Mowing and Maintenance Tips for Your Lawn

Lawn Mowing your way to a greener and weed free lawn requires some basic knowledge of lawn care.

The process of lawn, garden and property maintenance requires a skill set acquired with experience and time. The following lawn care tips are useful whether you live in Sydney, NSW, Australia or Sydney, Kentucky, USA.

Lawn mowing as part of this mix of maintenance skills is a critical skill that is not a job that anyone can do. Lawn mowing is an essential part of achieving a healthy green and weed free lawn.

To start with, the regular mowing (cutting), edging (around hard surfaces) and trimming (around trees, walls and so on) of turf grassed areas is critical in the process of allowing the lawn to thicken and become denser.

Regular mowing (at the correct height) encourages the lateral spread of all stoloniferous grasses (that is, all the warm season turf grasses like couch grass also known as Bermuda grass in North America, kikuyu turf grass, zoysia grass and buffalo grass also known as St Augustine turf grass).

Also, with frequent lawn mowing in the warmer months, the above ground runners (stolons) and the below ground runners (rhizomes) are encouraged to spread quickly.

Grasses with stolons only, however, must be mowed higher rather than shorter to prevent damage to the turf.

Grasses built with both stolons and rhizomes can be cut shorter in the growing season. For example, bowling greens and cricket pitches are turfed with green couch grass (aka Bermuda grass) and are maintained all year round to soil level.

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Some contractors that mow residential lawns for a living cut their customers’ lawns without a catcher – to the detriment of the customers’ lawns. Why? Because they are not picking up the grass clippings with all the rest of the leaf matter that falls from trees. It is this leaf matter and leaf debris that builds up making it difficult for the lawn to grow thickly.

Here is a really good lawn tip for you! If in doubt, always use a catcher with your lawn mower!